Friday, November 5, 2010

College, Weight Gain and Fitness

Although I don't know the exact number I can honestly say I've gained at least 5 pounds since starting school. Luckily I can still fit in my clothes . Thank God for spandex, baggy college sweatshirts and leggings.

Just looking over at my nightstand I see a can of diet coke, a king size pack of Almond Joys, an unopened bag of Sour Patch Kids and a half eaten theater-size box of Mike and Ikes. Oh and a recently finished bag of Smartfood is sitting in the trash. Eating junk-food is totally normal and at times the only thing that makes me feel better. But eating ALL of this in less than a week is bad. Very bad.

Oh and all you can eat dinning halls are just evil. Why would you offer stressed out girls an unlimited amount of yummy things? I'm not just going to have just a burger when there's also honey glazed ham, greasy pizza, mac and cheese, shrimp scampi and burritos.

Since I'm going home for Thanksgiving I need to at least get back to my old weight/shape, so I'm cutting out all sugar (diet soda included) and trying to eat less carbs and replace them with vegetables on my plate starting Monday. Does that mean I'm not going to eat the gooey mac and cheese? No, but am I going to eat a plateful of it? Obviously not.

And since I'm lucky enough to live across the street from the REC I plan on going back to the gym. I used to go the first few weeks of school just because I had a lot of free time, but now that school work is pilling up, and social things are constantly going on, I find it hard to find a solid 2 hours. And no, I don't workout for 2 hours; I don't have the stamina for that. But I like to workout for about 1 hour and need another hour to shower and get myself together afterwards.

I actually worked out on Tuesday and Wednesday and it felt amazing. On Tuesday I went kick-boxing which was scary but satisfying. The instructor said I had really strong hits considering it was my first time. I thought he was being polite/nice my friend said he was flirting. Either way it was a compliment right? On Wednesday I did the eliptical for 45 minutes and then went rock climbing for 30 minutes. Oh and if anyone has a rock climbing wall at the gym I highly reocmend it for a  workout. The next day muscles you didn't know you had will be aching. And personally when working out I equate pain with performance and results. I'll try and make a post each time I workout and let you know what I did and what I wore.

Here's the outfit I wore to the gym:

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